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c.2025:Re/Max Peak to Peak or Assignees


property that offers endless opportunities? This property consists of 3.7 acres of Business zoned, subdivided land with a large home, a 1600 square foot shop, and several sheds. Located in unincorporated Grand County, this Business zoned property abuts to the town of Hot Sulphur Springs and offers easy access to US Hwy 40. The jewel of the property is the Business zoning which allows for almost any use and is uncommon in the area. This property could be used as a home, a business, workforce housing, and/or revenue income. Additionally, the 3.7 acres is an entire city block that is already subdivided, leaving opportunity to easily build or sell lots without the need for re-platting.
MLS#: 24-868
Price:  $889,000
Bedrooms:  3
Baths:  2.0
Sq Ft:  1813 SF
Lot Size:  3.71 acres
Year Built: 1978
Map location from available data. Location should be verified. Click map for interactive view.

Re/Max Peak to Peak

John Sanderson

40 Journey Way
Fraser, CO | 80482

Direct: (970) 531-9926
Mobile: 970-531-9926

John Sanderson

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© 2025 Grand County Board of Realtors®P.O. Box 466, Granby, CO 80446
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