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c.2025:Clifford Anderson, Independent Broker or Assignees


This south sloping hillside with incredible views of the WP ski area and all the mountains of the Continential Divide and Byers Peak and the entire valley floor with great sunshine and a perfect site for solar panels & able subdivide into 3-40 acre parcels which can then be subdivided into 3 - 13.33+- acre lots per 40 acres for a total of 12 lots with sloping hillside with incredible views of the WP ski area and all the mountains of the Continential Divide and Byers Peak and the entire valley floor with great sunshine and a perfect site for solar panels and great water rights. Past sales of this size lots are shown to be in the $400,000 to $600,000 wiith the average being $500,000. So 12 lots sold at that average price would result in $6,000,000. in sales! Not bad for a $1,800,000 investment only to serve as an example!
MLS#: 24-1266
Price:  $1,800,000
Baths:  0.0
Sq Ft: 
Lot Size:  120.00 acres
Year Built: 
Map location from available data. Location should be verified. Click map for interactive view.

Clifford Anderson, Independent Broker

Clifford Anderson

Winter Park, CO | 80482

Direct: 970-531-1005

Information is from sources deemed reliable, but should be independently verified. All information is subject to change without notice and no warranty is offered. User assumes all risks.
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